Honey, otherwise known as liquid gold is known to have medicinal and antiseptic properties. Manara honey collection is a pure blend of deliciousness and joy. Most of our honey originates from local farms while some are pure blends from Australia. Our Honey meets international quality standards and is accepted across the region.
6 Kg. Pail
20 Kg. Pail
500gm X12 pieces per ctn
1kg Plastic Jar X 6 pieces per ctn
2kg Plastic Jar X 6 pieces per ctn
3 kg Bucket X 4 per pieces ctn
340gm Bear Squeeze X12 per pieces ctn
454gm Bear Squeeze X12 per pieces ctn
375gm Squeeze x 12 per pieces ctn
400gm Squeeze X 12 prices per ctn
500gm Jar
1kg Plastic Jar
400gm Squeeze
2kg Plastic Jar
3Kg Plastic Jar
340gm Bear Squeeze
375gm Squeeze
500 gm Hexagon Jar
1kg bucket
454gm Bear Squeeze
1kg Glass Jar
3Kg Plastic Jar
25gm Plastic Tray